Struggling with Emotions

dark haired woman looking pensive

Abortion is life-changing and sometimes women experience unsettling feelings and difficult emotions after they’ve had an abortion. This sometimes comes right away, or can be uncovered years afterward.

Indicators of Post-Abortion Emotional Difficulty

It can sometimes be difficult to find the time and space to process through your emotions. The questions below can help you to gauge how you may be handling your past abortion.

  • Do you tend to think of your life in terms of “before” and “after” the abortion?
  • Do you have lingering feelings of resentment or anger toward people involved in your abortion, such as the baby’s father, friends, or your parents?
  • Have you found yourself either avoiding relationships or becoming overly dependent in them since the abortion? Are you overly protective of any children you have now?
  • Do you have increased sexual experiences, possibly with multiple partners?
  • Do you find yourself wanting to get pregnant again, or being sexually active without protecting yourself from pregnancy?
  • Have you begun or increased use of drugs or alcohol since the abortion, or do you have an eating disorder?
  • Have you felt a vague sort of emptiness, a deep sense of loss, or had prolonged periods of depression?
  • Do you sometimes have nightmares, flashbacks, or hallucinations relating to the abortion?
  • Do you feel reluctant to talk about the subject of abortion, or do you feel guilt, anger, or sorrow when discussing your own abortion?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be experiencing pain from your abortion and need help. 1 in 4 women in the United States will have an abortion at some point in their life. Despite abortion being openly discussed in many areas of life today, there are still women who have pain and experiences that they don’t feel comfortable telling anyone. If you or someone you know is seeking support, don’t let confusion, fear or shame keep you from seeking help. Whether the abortion decision was yours, your partner’s or you were otherwise involved, recovery resources are available with compassionate, non-judgmental support. 

Post-abortion healthcare programs allow women who have experienced an abortion to connect with advocates who can help them navigate their emotions and find freedom from the burden they carry. Women can find peace and healing. If you have an abortion in your past or know someone who has, please know you are not alone. Schedule an appointment today. 



Forgiven and Set Free is a post-abortion program focused on finding peace and transformative health through the freedom of forgiveness. Amnion offers this program in a small group setting, or one on one counseling. If you or someone you know is seeking support, we invite you to join us in a confidential, non-judgmental setting where you find confidential and compassionate care. Join us to find the transforming power of forgiveness and peace. All are welcome.

If you have an abortion in your past or know someone who has, please know you are not alone. Schedule an appointment today. We are here to help.