Abortion Information to Consider

By the end of 2023, more than 60% of abortions were medical abortions: those completed using the “abortion pill” instead of a surgical procedure. The abortion pill is the common name for two medications that are given to end a pregnancy. The first pill is mifepristone (RU-486) which blocks progesterone, an essential hormone for the survival of the pregnancy. The second pill is misoprostol which causes the uterus to contract and the cervix to soften in order to pass the contents of pregnancy. Medical abortions performed up to 10-11 weeks gestation and can now be given without an office visit to see a medical provider.

Many women who swallow the first abortion pill, mifepristone, almost immediately regret their decision. Many do not  know they have an option to try to save their baby after taking that first pill. Sometimes, women and their partners may search desperately for a way to stop the abortion pill from working.

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is an attempt to stop the mifepristone from doing its work by adding more progesterone to the system. Mifepristone competes with progesterone at the cellular level. Over time and even in studies, 64-68% of the time the baby survives and a pregnancy can be saved with high doses of progesterone.

The Abortion Pill Rescue Network provides free and confidential care 24/7.  Call 877.558.0333 or go online to AbortionPillReversal.com now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy. This hotline contacts a provider near the client to immediately begin the reversal process. Clients will be scheduled for an ultrasound to confirm if the baby still has a heartbeat. Ultrasounds will be continued every one to two weeks typically through the first trimester of pregnancy to ensure the baby has a beating heart.

Amnion offers APR services including the progesterone prescription and the follow-up ultrasounds to confirm continued fetal viability. We are here to help with confidential care.


If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time to reverse the effects if you act quickly. The sooner the reversal medication is taken, the higher the chance of successfully saving the pregnancy.

Call 877.558.0333 or go to AbortionPillReversal.com now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy. 

To schedule an appointment for a FREE ultrasound test, make an appointment with us or call 610.622.9957

All of our services free and fully confidential.